Fasting and Cleansing as a Holistic Tool on your Journey with LIzett Thomas

Uncategorized Dec 14, 2020




So this week we have been talking about holistic tools that can assist you on your ascension and spiritual awakening journey and in this episode of the @SovereignWomanMovement Show My gorgeous and wise Friday Co-host @Vidad3Lizy shares with us the detials of the 12 day spiritual cleanse she just completed. 

She shares with us what she did for 12 days, what not to do, how to prepare, and why this cleanse has nothing to do with the body and losing weight but everything to do with spirit and having more clarity in her life.

OF course, as a reminder, we are not doctors and we are simply sharing our experience with fasting and cleansing. 

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Astrology as a tool for Spiritual Awakening with Nura Rachelle Episode 24

Uncategorized Dec 10, 2020


Did you know that Astrology is the oldest science that can enable you to activate your self-healing and self-realizing gifts?

Working intentionally with our astrological cycles is key to integrational healing says today's @sovereignWomanMovement Show Podcast Guest Nura Rachelle M.A. Professional Astrologer.

In today's @sovereignWomanMovement Show Podcast Episode

I sit down with Professional Astrologer Nura Rachelle M.A.  @moon.mystic and talk about Astrology, the changes that have transpired in 2020, how we can use the Science of Astrology as a tool for Awakening our innate gifts.

Nura also shares with us what she will be teaching at the @sovereignWomanMovement Virtual Winter Solstice Summit and how it relates to healing and living sovereign lives.

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My 3 TOP Holistic Tools I use daily on Spiritual aWakening Journey Episode 23

Uncategorized Dec 09, 2020

We are all being upgraded whether we are aware of it or not. 

Mother Earth, Gaia, is Upgrading evolving fast

Energy lines of the earth are widening strengthening

Magnetic core shifting rapidly

North pole moving at such a pace having to update GPS a lot more often so planes land in airports


Everyone’s consciousness is being upgraded and this Winter Solstice Saturn Jupiter Conjunction Aquarius is the biggest energetic upgrade we will be receiving the entire year. 

An upgrade humanity hasn't ever experienced. 

This is why we need alchemical holistic spiritual tools to helps us through the journey. 


In today's @SovereignWomanSHow Podcast we continue the conversation on spiritual tools to help us on our spiritual awakening journey by looking at the 3 tools I integrate daily to assist me on my spiritual journey and to stay sovereign during such fast-changing times. 


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How your Spiritual Awakening is being Hijacked and why Having Tools Will help you navigate it better Ep22

Uncategorized Dec 08, 2020

Your spiritual awakening is being hijacked. 

Celebrating my niece's Ava love's 5th bday and my second birthday!

2 years of alcohol-free. Yasss! 

In today's @sovereignWomanMovement show Episode, I share with you my journey in healing and how Alcohol or any type of addiction is a spiritual problem & brian problem at the root, why it’s so important to integrate holistic natural ancient ways to activate the power of the body to heal and heal from addictions, and how our spiritual awakening and ability to self-heal is being hijacked. 

We also look at how Four companies including Johnson and Johnson just lost a lawsuit to each pay 26billion dollars for being responsible for the opioid crisis devastating our communities. 

As we continue the conversation on Tools to help you through your spiritual awakening. 


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Spiritual Alchemy Tools to Assist you on your Spiritual Awakening Journey

Uncategorized Dec 08, 2020

The world is experiencing a Mass Collective Spiritual Awakening

A spiritual awakening usually Happen with mass change, or a tragedy, or illness.

Basically the Ego (your set of programs and beliefs) roles are shattered due to your SOUL NO LONGER BEING ABLE TO TOLERATE HOW SEPERATED YOU ARE FROM TRUTH

In today's podcast Episode 21 I share with you what a spiritual awakening is and why ancient tools exist to help us through massive change. 

Prepare and level up as A #SOVEREIGNWOMAN





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Rebirthing & Coping w/Mass Change Ep 20

Uncategorized Dec 04, 2020


Staying sovereign and bringing in this New Age of consciousness In sovereignty 


This year has been filled with fast-moving change, and in this week’s  @sovereignWomanMovement Show podcast episodes  I’ve been sharing with you how to prepare and be flexible with fast changing times and Saturn Jupiter Conjunction Aquarius on the Winter Solstice which hasn’t happened since Medieval Ages   . 😱

This year may have felt limited in many ways, but in many different ways it has also been very liberating and priceless to reevaluate what is really important in our lives.


As we close out this week, Lizy @vidad3lizzy joins me for today's episode where we talk about coping with mass Change & rebirthing.


Love you and appreciate your wisdom @vidad3liz with all my heart.


Find the @sovereignWomsnMovement Show episodes everywhere podcasts are streamed or click on the link in my bio. 



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Understanding Emotional Alchemy to Prepare for Age of Aquarius Episode 19

Uncategorized Dec 04, 2020


One important way to prepare for a new sensory age of consciousness is to understand alchemy, specifically emotional alchemy. 

In this episode of the @sovereignWoman Movement Show we look at what it means to be able to transmute fear into love and lack into abundance as well as why it is important for there to be witches and self-realized Goddesses in this world. 

This is our movement. 


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Shadow Work to Prepare for the end of 2020 Episode 18

Uncategorized Dec 02, 2020




Although you may have heard of the term shadow work, the truth is that shadow work is complicated and layered. 

In this episode of the @sovereignWomanMovement Show, I share with you what exactly are our shadows, why they are developed not just in this lifetime, but in past lifetimes, and how to learn to become aware of our shadows so that we don't bring them with us 2021 and beyond into the Age of Aquarius .


Check out and let me know what your experience with shadow work has been. 


Sat Nam 

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Soul Purpose, Preparing for DNA and Spiritual Changes in the Age of Aquarius EP 16

Uncategorized Dec 02, 2020


First, we were in the computer age, then the information age, and now we are entering into the sensory age. This technological change is causing every human to operate from his sensory system and in today's episode of the @SovereignWomanMovement Show we look at these changes and why it will be more important than ever to have The ability to go through changes with flexibility and in connection with our Soul Purpose. 


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How to Prepare for the end of 2020 Energetically, Emotionally, & Spiritually Episode Ep 16

Uncategorized Nov 30, 2020


Happy Full Moon Eclipse in Gemini #sovereignWoman. 
I've been interested in Astrology for a long time and I started to study more deeply a couple of years ago. Astrology has helped me in navigating fast changing times and making life-changing decisions. 
I also incorporate Astrology in my kundalini classes, coaching, and mentorship. 
One aspect of self-initiation as a #sovereignwoman is being able to use the Cosmos as a guiding light on your Soul's journey. 
In today's episode of the @sovereignWoman Movement Show, we look at what today's Full Moon Eclipse in Gemini means and how it is preparing us for the BIG Saturn, Jupiter Conjunction Aquarius happening WInter Solstice 12/21 and why our 2020 @sovereignWomanMovement Virtual Summit is 12/19-12/21! 
Check out this new episode and let me know how you are preparing to close out 2020.
Sat Nam 
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