How Cold Depression Causes Risky Behavior and Addiction EP96

Uncategorized May 05, 2021

Only When we get to the root cause of our mental or physical instabilities we can bring the healing circle fully home and today we are going to talk about cold depression the root cause of addiction and risky behavior

Sat Nam #sovereignWoman and Welcome to the @SOvereignWOmanMOvement Show.

In this episode, we talk about why Cold Depression is the Root Cause of addiction AND Risky behavior like Financial Risks, Affairs, and Extreme Sports. 

We look at how our society rewards those overachievers that are non-stop, but how most are suffering deeply internally and covering it up with productivity and success. 

Really deep things to consider on your journey of self-awareness #sovereignWoman. 

Let me know if you know anyone like this or if you can see yourself in any part of what I said, share your thoughts are on this episode. 


Sat Nam 

Only When we get to the root cause of our mental or physical instabilities we can bring the healing circle fully home and today we are going to talk about cold depression the root cause of addiction and risky behavior

Sat Nam #sovereignWoman and Welcome to the @SOvereignWOmanMOvement Show


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