Welcome to the @SovereignWomanMovement Show Podcast

Uncategorized Nov 08, 2020


New Episodes Mon-Fri 

Our Mission is To Awaken the Women of the World Spiritually by empowering them with the holistic and metaphysical tools they need to heal body, mind, and Spirit and take their Sovereignty Back.


As the Patriarchy and PIscean Age or Kali Yuga crumbles and we move into the Age of Aquarius, or what the Mayans and Aztecs called the Sixth Sun, we as #sovereignWomen are shaping an enlightened society by healing ourselves and awakening spiritually. 


The #SovereignWoman Movement Show is dedicated to:

- the self-initiation for all women.

-Liberating the souls of women along their spiritual path towards self-realization

-Providing holistic healing methods for women  experiencing emotional or spiritual blockages

-Empowering women along their spiritual awakening and self-healing journey

-Understanding  the Neuroscience of Energy and Kundalini Yoga technology, SWC method 


Welcome, thank you for being part of our community.


Sat Nam 


50% Complete

Two Step

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