Why Our Body, Mind, & Spirit is Transforming so Quickly, Coping with FAST Change Episode 67

Uncategorized Mar 08, 2021

Are you experiencing repeating patterns in any of the following:

Attract conflict, heartbreak, repeating toxic patterns in most of your relationships
Addictions - sugar/carbs, thought patterns, and other substances
Money Problems - Perpetual Debt or hit a plateau
Chronic Health Problems, mental or physical
Feel hopeless, depressed, constantly angry
Not aligned with joy, happiness, and your dharmic creative genius
Can't Let Go of the Past or forgive
Low Self-Esteem and Self - Worth

All of these are symptoms and indications of something deeper that is happening today. 

On this episode of the @sovereignWomanMovement Podcast, we look at why our body, mind, and Spirit is changing so quickly and what this has to do with healing your inner child. 


Sat Nam 


Sign up for my free training on the 3 Step framework to heal your inner child wounds and reprogram the subconscious mind through the SWC Method: www.veronicaBarraganiam.com/3stepframework

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50% Complete

Two Step

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