Healing your Deepest Wound , Full Moon in virgo & thE Mayan prophecy of going from Fear to LOVE Ep 162

Uncategorized Mar 07, 2023

Did you know that technically speaking you actually don’t have to DO anything to heal?

That’s right, you can simply decide you are healed in your mind and the body will heal . In fact our Mayan ancestors prophecies included a time in which humanity would be transitioning from fear to love, with capabilities such as self-healing & experiencing the divine within Today’s Full Moon in Virgo will be forcing you to address your deepest core inner child wounds that have been patterns in your life and in the life of your ancestors. And with the impact of the rare transit happening tomorrow of Saturn moving into Pisces for the next almost 2.5 years, you are going to feel this need for change and healing in your bones .

In today’s video of the Sovereign Woman Movement Show We look at what you need to know about today’s Full Moon in Virgo as well as the Mayan Prophecy of humanity going from Fear to LOVE. We also talk about this Week’s Kundalini Yoga Medicina- meditation for the Third Eye/Pituitary Gland for the ultimate Self-healing and Acceptance allowing us to experience the divine within.

Let's Disrupt the pattern 


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